Admissions Blog Posts

How to Successfully Prepare for a College Meeting

Last updated September 12, 2019

By Web Admin

It is true what they say – time flies! One day it is freshman year of high school, then before you know it you are an upperclassmen studying for your SAT’s. Touring college campuses, perfecting your college essay, all while trying to narrow down your list of potential schools to attend.

Whether you are scheduling a campus visit, an interview, or a general meeting with a college admissions representative it is important you take some time to prepare and set yourself up for success!

Do your research. Sounds simple, but it makes a big difference. Browse around on the university website to gain a general understanding of the college or university. Taking the time to do some research shows you are taking the meeting seriously and will help you stand out!

Questions are encouraged. Whether you want more information about a department on campus or you are curious about the application process – take some time to jot down a few questions. This is not only a great way to show you have done your research, but it will also allow you to gain the most from your meeting.

Dress for success. Not all college meetings will be formal interview attire, but it is important to pay attention to how you choose to present yourself. Making a good first impression is a great way to be remembered!

Be prepared to talk about yourself. Not only is it important to get to know a school, but it is important they get to know you as well! Getting to know your interests inside and outside the classroom will allow the meeting to be mutually beneficial.

Follow up. It is always good to follow up with the school following your meeting – especially if you plan to apply! A handwritten note, a phone call, or simply an email. Thank them for their time and keep in touch as the school year continues.

Relax. I know it can be easier said than done, but try to stay calm and relaxed during your meeting. Taking some time to successfully prepare is a great way to shake those pre-meeting nerves!

By Mckenna Reese, Admissions Counselor