Admissions Blog Posts

Hidden Gems of Furman’s Campus

Last updated September 20, 2022

What’s Poppin!

I hope you are doing well today and enjoying the fall semester! A quick little intro about me: my name is Josh Swope, I am a senior Communication Studies major from Atlanta, GA, and I am the current Student Body President! I have absolutely loved my time so far at Furman, and I’ve made some amazing memories. Some of those memories have happened in some of my favorite places around Furman: the places that I like to call Furman’s hidden gems. In this blog, I hope to highlight some of the lesser-known parts of campus and hopefully, you can one day visit and appreciate them as much as I have!


The Reflection Pond

Do you need an escape from campus on campus? Do you just need a minute breather from the busy part of campus? Do you need a moment to reflect? Boy oh boy, do I have the perfect location on campus for you! The reflection pond is perfect for some resting, relaxation, or a quick breather after a long day of classes, as this part of campus is a little more secluded giving it a much quieter atmosphere.

Pond on Furman's campus


Clark Murphy Practice Rooms

Growing up I have always had a love and appreciation for musicians and the world of music. From the Spanish guitar to playing the tuba for 4 years when I was younger (this is true), I have always loved listening, but more importantly, playing different instruments. When I was a sophomore living in Clark Murphy, I discovered that there are roughly 12 practice rooms in the basement and every one of them had large pianos open for students to practice or play. Boy was I excited when I discovered this; I learned and played so many different songs from the songs in La La Land to the classic Minecraft soundtrack, an opportunity that I have not had before. I cannot recommend these rooms enough to anybody who has always wanted to learn or continue practicing the piano, your voice, or your music of choice.

A Samick Piano


Nature Trails

Hopping back on the nature theme, my last and final gem for this blog is one of my favorite places to get some steps in, escape campus on campus, and go exploring to find a new flower or cool-looking bug. The nature trails on campus are perfect for those who are into mountain biking, exploring (Environmental Science Majors), or students who just want a quiet or with friends mini-hike away from the concrete and bricks. These trails can be found behind the chapel as well as next to the upper North Village field and the North Village athletic facilities.

A Forest at Furman



That about wraps up some of my favorite hidden gems on campus! These are just some of my favorite gems, and I hope that one day you will find your favorite spots and places around campus too! That’s all for now, keep killing it, and you’re doing great.




Josh Swope