Admissions Blog Posts

Goodbye High School, HELLO College!

Last updated October 30, 2020

By Web Admin

Saying goodbye to all of your high school best friends can be really sad, but knowing how amazing this new stage of life will be is so exciting! Embrace the nerves and get ready for the best 4 years.

The day you have to say your goodbyes to everyone from home can be very hard. Even though you won’t see those people every day like you used to, this is not the end of those friendships. If these people are important to you, you will make time for them and they will do the same to keep your friendship strong! You’ll see them when you’re home on break and maybe even get to visit them at their colleges once Covid-19 is over. You’re going to build soooo many amazing relationships in college that will become so special! I know I’ve said this a thousand times, but the people I’ve met so far at Furman are some of my closest friends now after just two months. It’s so crazy how fast you become close with people in college. Don’t come to college expecting these friendships to all happen instantly and stick all 4 years. Give it time, but know that the people at Furman are so so amazing!

College will be very different. Social aspects, academics, and your lifestyle will change in ways you wouldn’t expect. The social life in college is so fun and exciting! You’re living right next door to all of your best friends. You end up doing everything together and you get to meet so many new people. Academics can seem intimidating because you’re so used to high school, but once you find your groove it won’t be too bad. Your professors want you to succeed and they try to make the transition as easy as possible. Just focus in class, stay on top of your work, spend time studying, and reach out to your professors if you need help. Your lifestyle is all up to you! You are on your own. No more home cooked meals or your mom doing your laundry. You need to wake yourself up when your alarms go off, balance your meals, and take care of yourself! Make sure you drink plenty of water and get enough exercise. Find ways that work for you to handle stress and make sure you balance your time. You should hang out with friends as much as you can and get involved, but don’t let that get in the way of your studies.

Don’t let the transition stress you out. Everyone has to go through it and honestly if you just let it happen, everything works out!! It’s a process and you will face some challenges. If it ever seems like too much and you get stressed or just want to hear about my transition, you can always reach out to me!

Be ready to embrace it. College is about to be one of the most exciting times of your life!

ALL the love!

Andersen Wade