Admissions Blog Posts

Furman Futures

Last updated February 27, 2020

By Web Admin

For me, the people here is what sets Furman apart from any other school. Every interaction I’ve had with the professors is intentional, genuine, and leaves me feeling better than before and more confident in what I am learning. But that sense of intentionality is something that far surpasses the faculty and staff, it is something deeply rooted in every Furman student. With the college decision season in full swing, I wanted to share with the prospective students something that has not only been extremely beneficial to me, but also to the students in the midst of their final college visits and decision making! That being Furman Futures!

Furman Futures is a program that allows freshman here at Furman to host prospective students for overnight visits or for a lunch at one of our dining options on campus! As a student who participates in Furman Futures, it has been an incredible rewarding experience, especially this time of year. Having the opportunity to sit down with students and families and explain to them not just WHY I chose to come to Furman, but more importantly why I choose to STAY here at Furman!

Me and one of my futures, Abigail, about to go to class!

But the true reward comes from receiving a text, phone call, or email from someone I hosted this past semester and hearing that they have decided to call Furman their home next fall! Nothing is more exciting than thinking about seeing on campus, or having a class with someone who you potentially helped in their decision process!

Like I said before… the people are what make me stay at Furman, and I truly think you get the best representation of life here by sitting down with a student who was in your place not that long ago! So I encourage the prospective students to book that lunch or overnight !! And if you ever need a host… I’m your girl! – Rosemary Cruse