Admissions Blog Posts

From the Court to Campus: A Freshman’s Path to Furman

Last updated October 26, 2023

By Elijah Poritzky

Hello everyone!

Today is an exciting day for me and the rest of the Furman tennis team, as we are on the way to the Carolina Regional tennis championship in Cary, North Carolina. As I make my way to the tournament, I had the pleasure of engaging in an insightful conversation with Freshman Walker Allen. We spoke about his experiences and insights regarding his engagement with Furman University and his unique journey through the admissions process. Walker’s story sheds light on the student athlete experience when applying to Furman and what his first impressions were.

First Impressions

During our conversation, Walker shared that he had initially set his sights on pursuing his education at a smaller university in the South. Furman University stood out among the various options, prompting him to contact the tennis coaches to gather more information. During this stage, he had the opportunity to connect with the esteemed head coach, JJ Whitlinger, who provided valuable insights into the program and the university as a whole.

Making a decision

After taking the initial steps to explore the offerings at Furman, Walker decided to visit the campus in person. Initially, he was still unsure about his choice, but the visit was pivotal in solidifying his interest in Furman. As he set foot on the campus for an official visit, Walker was able to immerse himself in the vibrant environment and gain a deeper understanding of student life at the university. Reflecting on his visit, Walker emphasized that one of the most memorable aspects was the extensive tour organized by the admissions team, which provided him with a comprehensive overview of the campus and its facilities.

Feeling comfortable

When asked about his favorite aspects of Furman, Walker quickly mentioned his love for the campus. He expressed his admiration for the campus’s accessibility, highlighting the convenience of being able to walk the whole campus on foot, enabling him to fully immerse himself in the university’s vibrant atmosphere. 

Walker’s journey shows the importance of thorough research and firsthand experience when considering options for college. His story is an inspiring example of how coaches, admissions teams and visits can make you fall in love with a school.

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