Admissions Blog Posts

First Semester Flashback!!

Last updated November 28, 2020

By Web Admin

My first semester was absolutely NOTHING like what I expected, but to be fair… no one had any idea what to expect. Freshman year is strange in more ways than I can explain, but freshman year during a pandemic is even harder.

The first few weeks on campus just felt like we were at a summer camp and everyone was just trying to meet people and make friends. Orientation didn’t look anything like what it usually does, but Furman still did their best to get us used to campus and teach us everything we needed to know for the next 4 years. Meeting people was much harder than usual, but somehow we all managed to find a way.

I was lucky enough to make the most amazing friends within the first few weeks!! I know I’ve said this a billion times, but the people at Furman are so amazing, sweet, and welcoming. You’ll find your people, and I was just so lucky to get to spend my first semester with them.

One of my favorite memories at Furman so far was my birthday weekend. My friends went above and beyond to make me feel so special and loved!! Even though there wasn’t as much to do on campus this semester because of Covid, we still made some of the best memories. Homecoming weekend was SO fun and gave us a small sense of normalcy on campus, which makes us even more excited for what’s to come in the next 3.5 years.

We found our own things we loved to do though like long drives when all the leaves were changing colors and a lotttt of lake walks!! My mom even brought my dog to visit on campus one day which was so fun. We found ourselves doing lots of hikes around campus and finding some of our favorite new places in downtown Greenville!

First semester was SO much fun and I absolutely cannot wait to be back on campus in January! Big shout out to all the people who made the semester amazing, and I can’t wait to do it all again so so soon.

ALL the love!
