Admissions Blog Posts

Finding Your Furman Family!

Last updated October 20, 2021

By Olivia Pearson

From the start of my college searching process Furman always felt like a home to me. I found myself in constant amazement on how intentional one university could be. Between the small class room settings, the walkable campus, the opportunity for community, the personal relationships between teachers and students, the list could go on and on. Furman checked all the boxes for myself but that did not mean I was not still nervous about the transition that was to come. I grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina and attended the same school from kindergarten to twelfth grade. I had spent 13 years building my community and family at this school but come graduation I knew that in a few short months I would have to leave that behind to start my new journey here at Furman. To be quite frank that made me nervous. No one from my previous school was coming to Furman with me therefore I was going to truly have to start fresh when I got to Furman for my freshman year but I am here to tell you that this fresh start was a lot easier than I expected thanks to this amazing school.


The journey started over the summer at Summer O (or Summer Orientation). Summer O is designed for students to meet as many of their future classmates as possible so when move in day arrives campus will be filled with familiar faces, both your fellow freshman and upperclassmen. Then comes move in day… the day you have been anticipating for more than likely a long time! This is where finding your Furman Family really begins, so here are my top 4 tips to follow when you arrive:


  1. Get involved

Before even arriving on campus you will have already gotten emails and seen social media posts about the opportunities to come when you arrive here at Furman. I encourage you to take Furman up on these offers and use them to benefit yourself. These events and programs will bring you to meet some of your best friends here on campus so participate as much as possible!

2. Be open minded

College is a place where thousands of different people from different backgrounds come together to learn in one place so keep in open mind while meeting people because unlike high school you’ll have the opportunities to meet people from all different paths of life!

3. Stay true to yourself

College is a fresh start; you are no longer held to your past high school image. You can be whoever you want to be so stay true to who you are and let your true self shine through.

4. Allow yourself rest

Although the first few weeks of college are when you will be meeting the most people it is important to remember to give your body rest. I was under the impression all these opportunities would simmer away after the first few weeks of school but boy was I wrong! Every single week we have activities,  opportunities, and time to continue all this fun. So do not be afraid to say no sometimes because these people will always be around.


By following these 4 simple ideas I was able to find my Furman Family. Some families come together sooner than others but here at Furman everyone can find a place that they feel as though they truly belong to. Furman gives us as students an abundance of opportunities to explore new things and new people. I have found the most amazing Furman Family and could not be more grateful that Furman brought us together 🙂

Talk to you guys next week <3
