Admissions Blog Posts

Exploring FU with FUOC!

Last updated March 18, 2022

By Logan Coffee

What is “FUOC”?

The question of what FUOC exactly is has boggled me since I first came to Furman. On
the outside, FUOC is the Furman University Outdoors Club. We plan, organize, and host events
centered around satisfying your inner outdoorsman (or woman). This can include a variety of
things ranging from rock climbing, camping, biking, skiing, hiking, stargazing, bird watching, and
so many more. Traditionally, we host a number of annual events like our yearly ski trip in
February where 50 lucky Furman students get a very cheap all expenses paid trip to
Winterplace, WV to ski for a day. Another classic FUOC trip is Belay Your Boo and Bae, hosted
at a local climbing gym called Climb @ Blue Ridge right around Halloween (hence “boo”) and
Valentine’s Day (“bae” or “bro,” of course).

The FUOC Community!

It is easy to define FUOC strictly by what we do, but in reality, FUOC is so much more
than what most people see on the outside. We are an inclusive community open to anyone who
gets even the slightest enjoyment from the outdoors. Many officers have their own niche in the
club and everyone contributes in their own unique way. Even those who are not officers are just
as much a part of the club – the only difference is that the officers formally plan trips and events
(and are always open to suggestions by other members). Personally, I love to fly fish and rock
climb which is different from many other officers in the club. Some people are big hikers, love to
open-water swim or do outdoor yoga, go backpacking, and even enjoy a peaceful afternoon
watching birds. Some people simply enjoy being outdoors or doing something active with a
great group of friends. However, it is that exact reason why FUOC is such a great organization.
We comprise members from all different places across Furman, with different temperaments,
talents, and convictions to form the greatest, most awesome community on Furman’s campus.

Telling MY FUOC Story!

My FUOC story is much different from anyone else in the club. I joined this past
semester as a senior. Out of the 14 accepted into the new class of FUOC officers, there were 8
freshmen, 3 sophomores, 2 juniors, and 1 senior, which was me. Although I felt like the old man0002
joining with a group of young and excited underclassmen, I knew FUOC was destined to be an
important part of my Furman experience. It was better late than never to apply and I am so so
happy that I did. Everyone accepted me with open arms and I have tried my very best to
contribute and give back to the club that gave me the opportunity to share my passion for the
outdoors. Deciding to be a FUOC officer was, without a doubt, one of the best decisions I have
made at Furman and highly encourage anyone with a passion for the outdoors to consider
applying to be an officer or just joining the club and participating where they can. Everyone gets
out of FUOC what they put into it, and I highly recommend that anyone put at least a little into it
because it truly has so much to give…

– Garrett Hensley, Proud FUOC Member