Admissions Blog Posts

Discovering Copenhagen

Last updated March 15, 2023

By Puspanjaliguru Gurung

Hey guys, it’s Puspanjali! 


Docks of Copenhagen lit by streetlights. Overcast evening with lights on in the neighboring houses.

Ever since I was in middle school, I have always wanted to study abroad…but the cost of studying abroad was always too high. When I became a Furman student, I immediately started to look for study abroad programs and applied to them. I also applied for study abroad scholarships from Furman and from the study abroad programs (if you are looking to study abroad, but the cost is holding you back, there are lots of scholarships you can apply to!!).

Eventually, in the spring semester of my sophomore year at Furman, I studied abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark, where I made memories that I would remember for a lifetime. I want to share those memories with you, so read along if you want to discover Copenhagen with me!



Gardens in Copenhagen, Denmark. Red, pink, and purple blossoming flowers in front of a fountain on a spring day

My first few days in Copenhagen were a complete culture shock. I had to learn to live in the middle of a city for the first time in my life. I didn’t know how to use the metro or bus transportation to explore different parts of the city, so I got lost more times than I can count. Google Translate became my best friend when buying groceries and converting US Dollars (USD) to the Danish Krone (DKK). Little by little, I learned, adapted, and began to explore the city I would call home for the next four months. 

high, vaulted ceilings of a Danish church


Throughout my time in Denmark, I visited many palaces, cathedrals, art museums, stores, gardens, and restaurants in Copenhagen. My newly-made friends became my travel buddies as we explored not only the city, but Denmark as a whole, as well as many countries in Europe. Some of my favorite things that I did in the city included going to Tivoli, which is an amusement park with gorgeous floral landscaping, and going to the Botanical Garden, where everything was luscious green in the middle of Scandinavian winter. I also enjoyed strolling in the Rosenborg Castle, and admiring the artworks displayed in the Statens Museum for Kunst. 


A student with her extended family sitting on the couch during a family reunion.

Of course, there were times I got homesick and missed my family. Thankfully, I had my extended family in Haslev, Denmark to make me feel at home in this foreign country. I hadn’t seen them since I immigrated to the United States in 2009, so I was overjoyed to be in their company. They truly helped me adjust to Danish society, and to this day, I still call them to keep in touch!

It was so interesting to observe Danish society and their culture. As a public health major, I took classes such as Epidemiology, Global Health, Medical Ethics, and Human Health and Disease during my semester abroad. Taking those courses in Denmark helped me understand Danish society, especially their healthcare system. It also solidified my decision to continue pursuing my passion in public health. 

Last Days

Students pose in a Danish street at night. Students are wearing jacket and scarves and are smiling.

Then, in a blink of an eye, I approached my last few days in Copenhagen before I went back home to Charlotte, NC. During those last days, I said my goodbyes to my family, friends, and professors. I realized that this was a once in a lifetime experience that I was incredibly fortunate to receive. And with that, my study abroad experience came to an end.


“The world is the true classroom. The most rewarding and important type of

 learning is through experiencing, seeing something with our own eyes”  –Jack Hanna


With love,

Puspanjali Gurung