Admissions Blog Posts

Deck the Halls Purple and White!

Last updated December 30, 2020

By Web Admin

I come from a huge Furman family. I’m a 4th generation legacy, so as you can imagine, we love us some Furman. My grandparents bleed purple and every year when they decorate for Christmas, their house isn’t covered in red and green, it’s all purple and white! As much as they love to deck their house in Furman things all throughout the year, around the holidays is another level. If you aren’t having a purple and white holiday are you really celebrating right?

Last year I received my admission decision right around this time. I loved getting to know where I would go to college before Christmas because so many family members gave me Furman things as a present. After Christmas I was all loaded up with sweatshirts, shirts, and even blankets. Trust me, you’ll want as much Furman gear as you can get. One of my favorite gifts was a Furman ornament that I’ll be able to hang every year and look back on the memory of how happy I was after finding out I got into Furman.

I was so looking forward to having my first holiday season at Furman and finally experience all the little things I had heard of forever. From the bell tower playing classic Christmas songs to fun holiday events, I was ready for it all. Furman students usually feel the stress and exhaustion of exams all the way into late December, which is something I’m happy I missed out on this year. I’ve never enjoyed drowning in school work when I would much rather be celebrating, so having exams earlier this year was so nice.

The holidays are my absolute favorite time of the year and I will literally count down the days until December. As much as I would have loved to get to spend some of December on campus, getting some extra time at home has been such a blessing. If you could know the amount of Hallmark movies I’ve watched this season, it’s embarrassing. I’ve gotten so much more time to take part in the Christmas celebrations I look forward to every year and really bond with my family after being away for a whole semester. A month full of music, movies, cookies, gingerbread houses, and lights is exactly what I needed after finishing first semester!

Enjoy the holidays and who knows, maybe add some purple and white to your decorations this year!

ALL the love!
