Admissions Blog Posts

An Open Letter to my Freshman Roommate

Last updated April 17, 2021

By Web Admin

Alexandra Rick

Dear sweet roomie, 

From the moment that I met you I just had an immediate feeling you would be in my life forever. Sure, we got matched to be roommates based on a Furman roommate survey that asked us questions like “what time do you go to bed”, and sure, we have complete opposite style aesthetics and career interests, but despite these differences, there was just something about you- something about us-  that was (and still is) special.

We started off as complete strangers– two girls starting their freshman year in a new city & state, eager to begin what everyone calls the best four years of your life. It makes me laugh looking back because I simply do not remember a day we weren’t inseparable. The get-to-know-you stage? Asking the basic “how many pets do you have?” and “What did you do in high school?” questions? We completely skipped over those. Granted, I somehow learned that you have one cat and were the captain of your softball team in high school, but I genuinely don’t ever remember having conversations about these topics. 

I am BEYOND proud to call you my best friend. I actually love telling people all about you. You have such a beautiful soul, and I love watching your passion for helping others shine through in everything you do. Watching you grow over the past three years has been a blessing that I will hold so near and dear to my heart. You are kind, determined, intelligent, thoughtful, and obviously the funniest person I know. Your laugh makes ME laugh, and there are few things I love more than seeing you across campus and dramatically running to you to say hi. Coming home after a long day and knowing we could unpack it all together was such a highlight of freshman year.   

I truly look up to you, and I hope that one day I can be half the person you are. When things start to feel a little overwhelming, you remind me how loved I am, and you make any sort of negative feelings disappear. You give advice like no other and will always be my favorite hype woman. I only hope I can be the hero to someone else that you are to me.  

Thank you for loving me even when I don’t reply to your Snapchats and texts. Thank you for always wanting to go on a drive to get ice cream in the ~late~ hours of the night. Thank you for listening to the entirety of the Hamilton and Waitress soundtracks with me in the car. Thank you for reminding me that life is tough but so am I, which is a reminder I think all of us need every now and then. Thank you for being the first person I go to when something goes well and also the first person I go to when things don’t go too well. Thank you for appreciating Cookout’s cheesy bites as much as I do. Thank you for treating my little sister like your own little sister- watching y’all get closer and closer warms my heart. I can go on and on, but it all comes down to one big thank you for being my person and best friend. I cannot wait to see where our Senior year (and beyond) takes us. I love you to the moon, bestie gal.




I will forever be so thankful for each and every person that Furman has placed in my life. If you ever want to chat about finding community in college please reach out- you know where to find me! I hope y’all have a great week full of things that make you happy!