Admissions Blog Posts

Affirmations with Alex

Last updated November 8, 2020

By Web Admin

It’s no secret I’m an extremely positive person. I love making people feel special, viewing the glass half full, and genuinely embracing anything and everything life throws at me. Full disclosure, because I am so positive, sometimes I forget that it’s okay to have a bad day. It’s okay to ride the struggle bus a little here and there- we’re all human, after all. This semester has had a lot of ups and downs, but I’m here to share some affirmations that really helped me grow through this unprecedented time we are all experiencing. I hope you can use these to finish the semester strong! 

  • Doing your best looks different every day! 

Dwelling on the pandemic can be extremely emotionally exhausting, and some days may be easier than others. Your best may be different on a day to day basis- one day you may finish your entire to-do list, and the next day you may need to lay low and watch a LOT of Netflix in bed with your favorite ice cream. Whichever it may be, never discount yourself. This is okay and everyone experiences it!!! Honestly, Zoom classes take a huge hit on my motivation levels, so I’ve learned to locate myself in a space where I know I can be productive and attentive in class. Remember, all you can do is your best, and all you can do is enough. Never, ever forget that! 

  • We rise by lifting others! 

I truly believe that simply treating others with kindness has a HUGE impact on how you feel. Whether this is something as simple as just smiling at someone when you pass them on the sidewalk, or even buying the person’s coffee behind you in the Starbucks line, acts of kindness go such a long way! I know that whenever I do something nice for someone else my day instantly improves. Random acts of kindness are so fun because it makes both you and the other person feel better! Being kind is always the right thing to do, but I think ESPECIALLY right now the impact is even greater. We’re all trying our best, and sometimes some extra kindness is exactly what we all need.  

  • Be proud of yourself for how far you’ve come 

Y’all! This has been such a weird time in our world. Honestly, just making it through the day feels like an accomplishment sometimes! All of our lives were completely flipped upside down around six months ago, and we are all still adjusting to all of the changes. I’m sure a lot of us are experiencing disappointment from trips, jobs, internships, and other opportunities being postponed or canceled- I promise y’all I get this. I cannot BELIEVE I was supposed to be studying abroad right now in Edinburgh, Scotland. With this, keep pushing forward and be proud of how far you’ve come. You’re adapting and doing the best you can.  

  • Self-compassion goes a long way

If you’re anything like me, you are your own toughest critic! I encourage you to take a step back and be kind to yourself! Watch a movie, do a face mask, call your friends, treat yourself to your favorite dinner- anything that makes you happy! You deserve it- we’re all doing the best we can and sometimes it is nice to remind yourself you’re killing it! I encourage you to treat yourself as a friend would treat you- remembering this always really helps me when I am being too hard on myself for something that is out of my control.   

  • You have a purpose. If you haven’t found it yet, you will. 

College is a wonderful time for self-discovery. In fact, it is unlike any other experience you’ll most likely ever have- you have the chance to find something that you really, truly love surrounded by people and mentors that want nothing but the best for you. With this, it is okay (and almost encouraged) to come into college having zero clues about what you might like to do! You have so much time to figure out what might interest you- trust the process and don’t rush it!

Life is tough, but so are you! I hope you take these daily affirmations and remind yourself of them when the going gets tough and you just need a little pick me up. If you ever need someone to hype you up, you know where to find me! You’re incredible and in case no one told you today, I’m proud of you! 

I hope y’all have a happy week, 
