Admissions Blog Posts

A Second Family

Last updated November 6, 2020

By Web Admin

Having a support system in college is essential. I know I was so used to always relying on my family, so I was sooo lucky to find some amazing friends during my first semester. Living in the same place with people is so much fun and it helps you grow relationships so much faster. I’ve only known my friends at Furman for two months, but they’re already my second family. I spend every single day with them and I tell them everything- from things stressing me out, to a good grade I got. They help me, encourage me, and celebrate with me and that’s what I think is so special!!

It can be really hard being away from your family, but when you find a close group of friends at college, they really do become another family for you. When I’m sad or frustrated I know I can turn to them instead of calling my mom three times a day to rant. I am so, so thankful for them and I know my mom is too!! Obviously, it won’t be the same as your family at home, but having a sweet support system in college is what made this semester so amazing.

During freshman year all of your best friends are just a matter of steps away 24/7. College is one of the only times you get to live so close to your friends, so make the most of it! I feel like I’m constantly walking from every building in SoHo and randomly knocking on my friends’ doors. It’s so much fun and so different from anything I’m used to.

Even if you don’t find your support system in college immediately, give it time. You’ll find your people who love you unconditionally and are always there for you, but don’t be stressed if it doesn’t happen immediately. I was so lucky to find amazing people first semester, but everyone’s experience is different.

ALL the love!
