Admissions Blog Posts

A Glimpse into Summer Orientation

Last updated June 23, 2022

With a few sessions of Summer Orientation completed, today, I want to give you guys a glimpse into what a day of “Summer O” is like for our incoming freshmen!


The day starts with O-Staff (what students call Orientation Staff) welcoming you to campus with cheering, signs, and music. They have trained specifically to give you the best experience possible, and they are SO excited to meet you! Then, it’s time to head to Trone Student Center for your welcome session, where O-staff formally introduces themselves and some members of the administration welcome you to campus. After an incredible performance from O-staff, you are dismissed and head to your first O-group meeting!


Furman Students at an event


O-groups are small groups of new students typically lead by two members of O-staff. They are meant to serve as a space where you can get to know your new peers and learn from your O-leaders, as they are current Furman students. If you look at the picture to the right, you will get to see me and one of my Summer O groups from last year! After doing some icebreakers and fun games with your new friends, your O-group will meet your academic advisor. These meetings are an introduction to all things academic at Furman, as General Education Requirements (GER’s) are explained, the majors and minors are introduced, and various conversations about thriving at Furman occur. Then, it’s off to the DH, or Dining Hall, for lunch!


Furman Students sitting in a circle


After lunch, you move into the “choose your own adventure” portion of Orientation. You are required to have a one-on-one meeting with your academic advisor, where you will work on your schedule for the upcoming semester and start to create your path at Furman. After your meeting, you are free to explore the various activities that are being offered! One option for the afternoon is an Academic Department Fair, where you can meet students and professors from each major. Another option is the Connections Fair, where you can meet campus partners and sign up for fun opportunities (like working for Admissions!!!) and get some Furman gear. There is also a space to meet different offices on campus such as Student Life, Study Away, and more! Snow cones, music, and prizes are offered at the final option of the afternoon, the Palaparty! After making your way through all these great opportunities, your Orientation Day comes to a close until you come back in the fall!


Furman Students visiting booths


Summer Orientation is a great way to introduce yourself to campus as a new student. It’s the perfect mix of learning important information and fun, making new friends, and exploring your new home! As an Orientation Leader, I’ve seen firsthand how beneficial Summer O is to new students, as it helps them form connections across campus before you start in the fall! When you become an admitted student, there is nothing I recommend more than signing up for Summer O; it’s the perfect “head start” to beginning your time at Furman!


I hope this post was helpful in getting an idea of what orientation is like at Furman! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or want to learn more!


Until next time,

Alex Lister