Admissions Blog Posts

New “Semester” Resolutions!

Last updated January 24, 2022

By Logan Coffee

I’m sure you’ve heard of a new year’s resolution, but what about a new “semester” resolution? 

At midnight on January 1st, confetti cannons explode, the Times Square Ball Drops, and yells of HAPPY NEW YEAR fill the air for miles. Many people spend the night reminiscing on the previous year and looking ahead as they wonder what the next year will bring. Will they finally take that trip they’ve been dreaming of? Will they worry less this year, and have more fun? Or will this year be similar to the last? No matter what questions individuals ask themselves at the start of the new year, the answer will probably be that YES, this year will be better than the last. We try to make each year better than the last by making new years resolutions. 

In all honesty, I didn’t make any resolutions for 2022 because I was afraid that I wouldn’t stick to them haha! But, I now realize that these resolutions are not so much about the plans as they are about self-reflection. In other words, what can you do differently this year to inspire more of what you want and need out of life? 

As we approach the end of January, I’ve completed two weeks of the Spring 2022 Semester. Now, I’m ready to make my new “semester” resolutions. I can’t wait to see what this semester brings, and maybe–just maybe–these resolutions will help me reach my goals! 🙂 

New Semester Resolutions

Res·o·lu·tion /ˌrezəˈlo͞oSH(ə)n/ a firm decision to do or not to do something.

  1. I will make a few new friends
  2. I will stay open-minded to new experiences
  3. I won’t doubt myself or give up

Making New Friends

Furman might seem like a small school, but I see new faces all the time! I have so many amazing people and friends in my life now, but I also love making new friends and hearing new perspectives! But, sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in things and forget to reach out to new faces or ask to grab lunch with someone in my class. So, one of my new semester resolutions is to push myself to meet new people and establish new friendships. It’ll be loads of fun!

Staying open-minded

At any stage of life, it’s easy to get comfortable with how things are going. Then, you’re in your comfort zone and may close yourself off to things that seem new or scary. This semester, I’m starting a lot of new things. For example, I’m doing an internship in downtown Greenville! I’m so excited about this new experience, but I can admit that I’m a little afraid of the unknown as well. So, one of my goals is to take it all in and stay open-minded; it might be better than I ever imagined!

No doubt!

As you all are finishing up your applications, are trying to decide where to spend the next 4 years of your lives, or are set on a college, you might be doubting your decisions or your ability to choose the right place. To that, I say: stop it! You are amazing, and no matter what happens, you will make it through. I promise not to give up on myself this semester, and I hope you won’t either!

I’m ready to tackle the semester, and I’m always here if you guys need help tackling your college decision! If anyone has any questions or just needs a friend, don’t be afraid to ask!

Lots of love,

Logan 🙂