Admissions Blog Posts

The College Search Rollercoaster

Last updated December 8, 2021

By Andersen Wade

The absolute best part of the college search – getting accepted!! Some of the most important and happiest memories are opening that letter and seeing the words “Congratulations!” I can barely even express the joy I felt in that moment. It’s like everything you’ve been working for the past 4 years of high school and especially through the long and hard college search process has finally paid off. This might not be where your search ends. You might have to pick between some of the different schools you’ve been accepted to, but either way, it’s such a relief to open your acceptance letter.

I know not every letter you open will be an acceptance letter and that’s ok. It’s part of life sometimes to not have things go your way. I am a firm believer though that everything happens for a reason, and you will end up exactly where you need to be!

After the joy of getting all of your acceptances, you might have the difficult task of choosing where you want to spend your next 4 years. For some people, that decision might be easy. For others, it might be one of the hardest choices you’ve ever made. I know for me, I decided on Furman before I even applied. I was an Early Decision applicant so once I got my acceptance, my search was over. If that’s the path you’ve found yourself on as well – then congrats! We can’t wait for you to join the Furman family! On the other hand, a lot of people still have some difficult choices after getting accepted.

The goal is just to find the place that feels most like home. Can you picture yourself living on this campus for 4 years? Can you see yourself walking to and from class or sitting in the dining hall? What do you want this part of your life to look like? It can seem hard or stressful, but in the end, what feels like home?

In the end, just know that this is one of the most exciting times of your life. You will find the perfect place for you! If you ever want to hear more about my college decision process or if there’s any questions you have – as always, don’t hesitate to ask!!

All the love!
