Admissions Blog Posts

HOME at Furman

Last updated October 20, 2021

By Claudia Roe

If you ask any Furman student, they will all tell you the same thing. Furman is home. It is where we eat, live, play, learn, and most importantly, it is where our people are. Each Furman student will have a different reason for staying at Furman, but it is the core values of home that ultimately tie everyone to the Furman community. 

H is for Helping Hands

When you are at Furman, you are never alone. Whether that’s needing help in a class, carrying groceries into your dorm, or just someone to eat lunch with, Furman students are always there. There is a surreal amount of support that overwhelms Furman’s campus, and each student has a team that is in their corner during every step of their college experience. Professors, advisors, classmates, and coworkers are all there to lend you a helping hand even when you least expect it. 

O is for Owning your Furman Experience 


The best part about each Furman student’s college experience is that each are unique to them! Whether you want to study away during your time at Furman, work an internship, or do research with a professor, Furman provides you all of the resources to do so with a whole network of support systems. The typical student’s everyday life during the semester will each look totally different from their peers, whether that’s working a part time job, starting your own club, or being in the starting line-up for your sports team. Furman offers an array of opportunities for students to shine in their own way and truly design their own unique four year pathway.

M is for Meeting New People 

Personally, this is what I was most excited for upon coming to Furman and one of the main reasons I choose to stay. Being from a small town in South Carolina, where no one I knew would be attending the university, I was extremely anxious about coming to Furman and wondered if I would really be able to make new friends. At first, it was little overwhelming with all the new people from all across the country and world, but soon, I met girls who become friends for life. Even now as a junior, I continue to meeting people whether its the new incoming freshman class or the person who sit next to me in my accounting class. There are endless opportunities to meet new people and continuously grow your network.

E is Everyday 

Furman never ceases to amaze me. Even after your freshman orientation is finished, the Furman community never stops making you feel welcome. This feeling of home at Furman is not just something students feel during their first few weeks on-campus or during homecoming but it is a constant part of Furman’s campus culture!
