Admissions Blog Posts

Seven Years of Friendship

Last updated April 15, 2021

By Web Admin

Libby Mulligan

One of the first things I really loved about Furman was its community and student body. On my first tour here, my tour guide mentioned this thing called “the 7 years of friendship” that I had never heard of before. So what is the 7 years of friendship? Let me tell you.

The idea behind this is focused on the student body and the close relationships you can make throughout your time at Furman. As a freshman, you still know seniors three years above you and as a senior you still know freshmen three years below you.

For myself, I have found this friendship in just my first year at Furman through two simple and different areas on campus.

  • Housing / Roommates – I had not known a single person coming to Furman just because I had not known anyone who came here before or anyone in my grade at my high school also coming to Furman. For me that was both exciting and nerve-wrecking. Through Fall Orientation and my first year residence hall, I was able to put my foot in the door of meeting new people. Fall Orientation is a great opportunity to meet older students since your O-Staff leaders are going to be majority juniors and seniors. I really enjoyed having that mentorship and relationship to help me adjust to campus. Move-in day can be a stressful day, so by having the chance to meet new friends on my hall on that first day, I was much more comfortable. You can also find a great friendship and mentorship with your RA, as they tend to be juniors and seniors as well! Living in a dorm is SO much fun and a great way to develop that first set of friends. I met my best friend on move in day and we are now roommates in the apartments!
  • Organization and Involvement – If you ask any Furman student about student organizations they will surely tell you that students at Furman love to get involved. I believe this is because of that 7 years of friendship and how close the student body in on campus. When I joined two different student organizations, I was immediately connected with a wide group of students, all from different grades, majors, and more! I looked up to a handful of those seniors I became friends with and was able to rely on them for friendship and support at school!

Whether you are an admitted student reading this or a prospective student just starting your college process, I want to encourage you to understand that no matter where you end up, you will most definitely find a community. Here at Furman I have found an amazing community of friends, classmates, sorority sisters, and mentors that I will never forget. For me, it is crazy to think back on this 7 years of friendship because as a junior I am about to be the senior in that saying! I am thankful everyday for the sweet friends (turned roommates), fellow student org members, and student academic mentors that I have made connections with here at Furman!