Admissions Blog Posts

What It’s Like Being A Club President

Last updated March 30, 2021

By Web Admin

One of the things that has brought me the most joy in my Furman career has been my involvement in student organizations. There are over 200 student orgs– basically anything you’re passionate about, there’s probably a club for it, and if not, it’s pretty easy to create the club and apply for funding under our Student Government Association (SGA).

Some of my favorite organizations to be involved with have been Dins Dialogue, an organization through the Center for Inclusive Communities– I get to lead workshops on topics related to social justice for students across campus, CHAARG, a women’s empowerment workout group, Shucker Leadership Institute, a two year organization for student leadership development, and Admissions Ambassadors and MOSAIC, two orgs that I get to connect with prospective students, give tours, host overnight-visits, and share my Furman experience! 

As much as I love being a part of extracurriculars, one of the more fun parts has been being able to join leadership. My sophomore year I was the president of College Democrats and I got to plan lots of casual meetings to talk about things going on in politics, social events with the College Republicans and Conservative Society student orgs to foster better relationships, and other events with guest speakers.

Our club photo

This year, I’m the president of Furman Justice Forum, a social justice student organization. I do similar things as I did in College Democrats, but it is a lot less politics focused and more focused on bringing awareness about injustice and encouraging students to be involved in advocacy. 

Since winter break, I’ve been working with 12 other students to plan a month of social justice programming called Justice Month. We have something going on almost every weekday of the month, jam packed with CLPs (Cultural Life Programs), social events, dialogue events, movie nights, and more! 

Justice Month calendar of CLPs and other events

One of the cool things about student organizations is that you can apply for a budget through SGA and bring in cool speakers, buy merch, host events with food, etc. Without this budget we wouldn’t have been able to do all of the cool things we’ve planned for Justice Month.

It’s been so fun planning lots of events centered around things I really care about and getting to meet other students who are passionate about those things as well. 

A social event we hosted where we listened to protest songs and made art related to social justice.

Being a club President is fun, but it also takes a good bit of work, time management skills, and a lot of organization. I’ve learned a lot about myself and grown so much as a leader through being a club President, but maybe one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that it takes a lot more than one person to make a club run smoothly, and that’s the fun part! The community aspect of extracurriculars and clubs is what makes Furman so fun. 

Make sure you check out all the student organizations on SyncDin!
