Admissions Blog Posts

What I’ve Learned Working at Gather GVL

Last updated March 6, 2021

By Web Admin

You know that feeling when warmth bubbles in your chest and you’re just completely and utterly happy? I feel this way whenever I walk into Gather GVL. Gather is an outdoor food hall located in the heart of downtown, and I am so beyond stoked to tell y’all just how special it is. Comprised of 13 different food and drink vendors, Gather knows how to bring a community together unlike any other. Speaking of community, the Gather GVL family came into my life when I needed them most, and I have learned SO much about myself both personally and professionally through my time working there. 

Back in August, I was sitting in my apartment scrolling through Instagram. I had been fascinated with Gather since it opened in February of 2020 but hadn’t been much due to Covid-19. I saw a post that advertised Gather was hiring and quickly emailed the owners inquiring more about the position. This move is very unlike me- I typically sleep on something like this before impulsively making a decision.  

Not even a week later, my roommate was taking a picture of me wearing a Gather t shirt on my very first day of work. Seven months later, I still find so much joy working at Gather and have grown tremendously through my role. Although 2020 was a challenging year in almost every facet of life, I was able to find a silver lining through my job at Gather. Here are a few of the things I’ve learned through my time at GGVL: 

  • Time management is everything: If y’all have read any of my blogs, I’m sure you’ve caught on to the fact that I love being involved in any and every way possible. Balancing a job has taught me that having good time management skills is a CRUCIAL skill. I meticulously fill out my planner at the beginning of each week, sure to make sure my time is planned out intentionally and effectively.
  • First impressions matter: Did you know it takes less than 10 seconds to form a first impression of someone? I was shocked when I learned this, but I’ve definitely taken this piece of info and applied it to my day-to-day life. You never know who you will be interacting with, but treating every single person with kindness will only improve their day (and yours, too!) 
  • A job means building new relationships: Aside from growing both personally and professionally, the relationships I’ve formed with my coworkers has been incredibly special. Gather has given me individuals that have turned to confidants, mentors, listening ears, and most importantly, friends. Being from Florida, I don’t know as many people in Greenville as someone who has lived here their whole life. Working at Gather has allowed me to form meaningful and lasting connections with people in the Greenville community that I wouldn’t come across on Furman’s campus
  • Don’t be afraid to fail: Now, I am in no way saying you shouldn’t be trying your best all the time, but I AM saying that it is okay to make mistakes. We’re all human, after all! Your first job is a great place to learn about yourself, your communication style, and how you function in a work environment! Of course you’ll have great days and not so great days, but its all about growth!

Greenville is an amazing up-and-coming city with plenty of job opportunities for college students. Whether you’re working at a restaurant, boutique, ice cream shop, or even on campus, finding a job is relatively easy! Although I never intended to work through my time as an undergrad, I really love my job and the feeling that I am part of something bigger than myself. 

If you ever want to chat about off-campus job opportunities in Greenville please reach out! I would love to help out in any way possible. 

If you have any questions or concerns about Furman please reach out to me! My insta is @alexandra_rick ! And as always, Roll Dins!

Have a happy week!
