Admissions Blog Posts

My Ten Years Starts Now

Last updated February 3, 2021

By Web Admin

For my digital storytelling class last semester, we were asked to create an individual video project. We could pick any topic of our own interest and make a video revolving around that concept. I wanted to focus on the concept of having a ‘ten-year plan.’ This is an idea/expectation my generation is constantly challenged with. For my project, I consulted with five students all with different career interests, and Alex Riccuiti, a career advisor from Furman’s Malone Center for Career Engagement.

 By doing this project, I learned how to come up with a concept for a video, but more importantly, how to adjust your own plans in order to fit your findings. The direction of my video was altered a lot after I met with Mr. Riccuiti because talking to him helped me to understand information from a different perspective. This flexibility allowed me to still stick to my vision while creating a video that has a good base in fact and current statistics.

Because of Mr. Ricciuti, I will be able to better prepare myself for future projects that might not always go as planned. Learning to be flexible and to mold your creative vision with what your interviewee teaches you will be extremely important in creating content that is reliable and honest. So to learn more about how to be better prepared for your own future….I’m not your girl BUT the Malone Center at Furman IS! -Rosemary Cruse

To watch “MY TEN YEARS STARTS NOW” click here!