Admissions Blog Posts

Second Semester Organizations to get Involved In

Last updated November 9, 2020

By Web Admin

Something great about a smaller liberal arts college is that involvement in student organizations is high. Furman students love to connect to the campus community through serving in student organizations and clubs. Many organizations open up to new members right at the beginning of the year, but there are also a handful that wait and open the second semester! 

When I was a freshman, I knew I wanted to get involved, but I also knew that I did not want to overwhelm my schedule too quickly. The first organization I joined was during my first semester and that was FUSAB, the Furman University Student Activities Board. This was a great organization to join right when I got to Furman because it introduced me to so many students and created a great first social scene for me. During this first semester I was able to devote a quality amount of time to both academics and FUSAB, creating a healthy balance and introduction to getting involved on campus. 

I also personally really enjoyed filling up some free time in my schedule. College schedules are a lot different than high school in that you have a lot more free time outside of class. With that, there is no pressure to fill up all your free time as having those empty spaces are a great way to get work done or spend time with friends. 

Stay Furman Engaged – Student Life

Flash forward to second semester, students make the decision if they want to get more involved or stay where they are. Personally, I wanted to get more involved as I found student organizations to be very positive and healthy outlets for my mental and social health. Some organizations that open up for applications and new members second semester include: Admissions Ambassadors, Greek life (fraternities and sororities), Heller Service Corps, Orientation Staff, and plenty of smaller clubs within academic departments. I am personally involved in Ambassadors and Greek life and I found that second semester was the ideal time to join these organizations. I say that because I had the chance to adapt to college life and figure myself out a bit before deciding on getting more involved and in what. 

If you have any questions regarding getting involved and the best times to join organizations, please let me know! 

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