Admissions Blog Posts

The Power of Furman’s Small but Mighty Learning Community

Last updated October 19, 2020

By Web Admin

Have you ever imagined your college experience sitting in a huge lecture hall in the back row, barely being able to see the teacher or the board? Me neither. At Furman you have the opportunity to learn in small classroom settings and engage with your professors every meeting time. 

Truly, no class at Furman really exceeds 35 to 40 students. The largest class I have personally taken was 32 students and the smallest was just 6 students. Basically, what I am trying to say is that the classes you might take at Furman will be in the small range of 10-20 students. This provides a small ratio of students to professors which is a huge advantage and let me tell you why. 

Every single teacher I have had at Furman, thus far, has known my name and major. This instantly produces a strong connection and has always helped me stay motivated and hard working in the classroom. There are many opportunities students should take advantage of to embrace our small class sizes and student teacher relationships. The first being office hours. Office hours are a great way to connect with your professors and ask study questions when needed. Many of my professors are flexible with their office hours because they know not everyone has the same schedule. Prior to big tests or projects, I always try to meet with my professor just to clear up some questions or confusion. Another resource I take advantage of when it comes to class registration or deciding on a major is meeting with my academic advisor. Prior to declaring my majors, I met with my advisor a lot to brainstorm what I was interested in studying and what classes might help me explore those interests. Your first advisor might not be in the department you end up in, but they are very helpful with getting students on track and once you declare, you get a new advisor in your given major. 

The professors at Furman want to help their students succeed and want to be teaching small classes where they can interact and know their students. They are not just there to teach to a giant room of students they do not even know the names of. 

If you have any questions regarding the classroom environments at Furman or professor connections, let me know! 

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