Admissions Blog Posts

Green Spaces in Greenville

Last updated October 8, 2020

By Web Admin

One of my favorite parts of being a Furman student, aside from the great academics, strong sense of community and much more, is being located in Greenville, South Carolina. Downtown Greenville and the surrounding spaces throughout the city have many different restaurants, stores and beautiful green spaces. Being so close to downtown and Travelers Rest is such a treat as it gives us Furman Students easy access to these great places!

My blog today will focus on the green spaces in Greenville. Specifically, I want to talk about Reedy Falls Park, a green space downtown that I instantly fell in love with during my first visit to Furman and the city of Greenville.

Reedy Falls Park, as it implies in its name, has a gorgeous river that flows throughout downtown, surrounded with restaurants and stores. As it enters the park, the main green space downtown, there is beautiful waterfall. This park is one of the most idealistic parks I can think of and it is truly one of the highlights of Greenville.

Along with the incredible waterfall, there is plenty of green grass and even walking paths throughout. I can tell you from personal experience this park is fantastic for a jog, walk, a picnic, or sightseeing. I love to come to this park to just unwind and relax. It is so peaceful to enjoy a nice day, watch the waterfall, and then cap the day off with a meal from one of the many great restaurants or ice cream from Spill the Beans! I also love the one-of-a –kind suspension bridge that goes across the falls. This bridge gives an incredible, birds eye view of the falls and the park in its entirety- it is truly a sight to behold.

This park is certainly one of the nicest, cleanest, and most beautiful I have ever been to. It is amazing sights such as Reedy Falls Park that makes me so proud to be able to call Greenville and Furman my home.

-Colin Klaff