Admissions Blog Posts


Last updated September 23, 2020

By Web Admin

Hey Y’all! Remember me?! Rosemary here! Only difference is Im a year older and am now ‘officially’ a Communications major! Im back again this year as a social media Intern and I couldn’t be more excited to share my life with all of you again! There’s a lot of changes this year, so I thought it would be nice to hit you all with a little familiarity! So I’m going back to what i write about best… why Furman?

“Furman is a place that feels like home!” I honestly couldn’t have said it better myself. This week’s Why Furman is Lindsey Cribbs, a freshman from Colombia SC. Even as a freshman she has quickly picked up on the sense of home that Furman so easily provides and is something that ties into so many of our ‘why Furman’ stories.

The atmosphere and community is always something that immediately stands out. whether you are involved in younglife and FUSAB (Furman University Student Activities Board) like Lindsey; or one the countless other organizations Furman makes it so easy to ‘find your place/people.’

So when it all comes down to it and Lindsey’s asked….WHY FURMAN? She told me “I chose Furman because of the love that I saw from the student and faculty who genuinely want you to succeed and have a wonderful time in college.”

Each of us all might have a different ‘WHY’ but I think it’s pretty safe to say that we all can recognize that genuine investment that Lindsey describes and its definitely something I hold near and dear to my heart.
