Admissions Blog Posts

Me, Myself, & I

Last updated September 25, 2020

By Web Admin

Hey y’all! My name is Andersen Wade and I am SO excited to get to share my freshman year with you. Here’s a little bit about me – I’m a biggg people person, I love meeting new people, and I’m always down for spontaneous adventures or late night car rides with loud music and the windows down. The beach is my happy place, and I’m obsessed with all things Christmas. If you’ve ever watched the show Big Brother, we will automatically be best friends and I always love a good cookout milkshake. I will jam out to some good country music, but if you put on any song from Hamilton I promise I will know almost every word.

But as for all the basics, I’m from Greenville, SC, so I didn’t move too far from home. I’m majoring in Health Sciences, and I’m considering a double major with Spanish. I’m hoping to eventually become a Pediatric Physical Therapist, but I still have some time to figure all that out. Furman has always had a very special place in my heart. Both of my parents attended Furman and my sister is currently a junior here, so we are a BIG Furman family! I grew up coming to every Saturday football game and tailgating in my little Furman cheerleader outfit. When I was looking at colleges, I tried to find anywhere that could top Furman, but obviously I couldn’t.

My family and I are very close and we have the sweetest dog named Lola (this post obviously wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t mention her)! We do it all – from binge watching EVERY Hallmark movie during Christmas to traveling all over the country. I love to travel and getting to do it with my family makes it so much more special. We crossed off so many bucket list trips these past few years like the California coast (PCH will forever have my heart), New York at Christmas, and my all time favorite was our trip out west to all the best national parks. Traveling is one of my favorite things and I love getting to explore new places. If you ever need advice on the best national parks in Utah and Arizona, I’ve got you covered, but I will talk about it for hours on end.

As for my Furman experience so far, I’ve only been here for about a month, but it has already been one of the best months ever! A strange part about this for me is that I’ve become a tour guide in my own hometown. I’m the go to for all parking questions, where to eat, places to get a haircut, and even the best dentist to go to! Navigating college life and especially freshman year during Corona is definitely a challenge, but I can’t wait to share this year with y’all and walk you through the freshman experience. I just found out that I got into FUSAB (Furman University Student Activities Board) which I am STILL freaking out about! Other than that, I will keep y’all up to date on all the other clubs and activities I get involved in on campus. I have already met some of the coolest people at Furman and made so many amazing memories. My friends and I took a road trip to Bald Rock (one of my FAVORITE places!) and we’ve been doing lots of things outside on campus. Nowadays it’s a norm to always have picnics for lunch and just sit out on the field. As far as my favorite things on campus, let me just say that the DH cookies really are as good as everyone says.

I’m so excited to share my Furman experience with you through these blog posts and the @furmanadmission instagram page! If you ever have any questions you can always reach out to me – my insta is @andersen_wade. Stay tuned to see more of my freshman year!

ALL the love!
