Admissions Blog Posts

Words of Wisdom

Last updated July 13, 2020

By Web Admin

Hi! Hello! And welcome back to a new blog from me! This week, I decided to take a more intricate approach and give advice for you prospective students and future Paladins! I reached out to a few of my alumna friends and asked them for a piece of advice they’d give to a student, or something that was exciting about their Furman experience.

Starting with Crystal Brockington who graduated in Spring of 2018…

Crystal Brockington ’18

“My piece of advice to future Furman students:
Learn to be comfortable in the comfortable. Some of my greatest learning moments throughout my college experience were when things didn’t go exactly as planned. It was through these moments I was able to navigate and understand the purpose behind why I was on this journey. I learned to shift my perspective, develop a supportive network, and challenge myself to grow in these moments. Embrace the journey and make it yours!”

Next up is Imani-Grace King who graduated in the Spring of 2019…

Imani-Grace’s advice is, “Take every single opportunity to expand your perspective, intellect and soul.  Have candid conversations with your professors and students in your class, take classes you wouldn’t normally without consulting rate my professor or asking around, involve yourself with organizations because you will meet extraordinary people who motivate you. Allow all the books, articles, conversations, social events, academic events and overall experiences to move through you and help you flourish. This information will undoubtedly turn into valuable knowledge and being a more well-rounded human being.”

More strong words from another Spring 2019 graduate Brie Smith…

Her advice is, “Furman is tough, for any student. Take the time that you need to adjust but always remember that you are there for a reason. You put the work in to be there, so don’t ever stop working to graduate from there. College is a time to adjust. Have fun. Find out who you are. Do things that you thought you would never do because in the end the experience and the memories are what you are going to value most. If you are not doing so already, find ways to take care of yourself. I’m not just referring to regularly scheduled doctor visits but find hobbies that you enjoy. Carve out some alone time in your schedule where you can do things that feed your soul. Take care of your mental health. All of the changes that you will go through during your time in college can be taxing. Start getting in tune with your self, so you can be aware if you ever need to access extra help. Put yourself out there! This is coming from an introvert. It’s going to hard for some of you to find your pack. It was for me. I didn’t really find my way until sophomore year. The difference between freshman year and sophomore year for me was the level of campus involvement. I became active in things that I enjoyed on and off campus. It made me feel at home. I met people who I connected with and made lifelong friends. It also kept me busy and that was good for me. In all, college is going to be the time where you discover who you really are. Go with the motions, even though there will be ups and downs. In the end it will be your experience, so do what makes you happy!”

Next up, we have Adare Smith who recently graduated this past May of 2020..

Adare Smith ’20 in the British Isles on top of Fingal’s cave.

“My advice to incoming and even prospective students is to make those connections. Reach out to people you meet on tours during overnights, people who are in your classes, the person who let you borrow a pencil in the library. You never know how helpful someone can be until you ask. So never be afraid to just reach out.”

Finally, I will be sharing something that I believe will seal the deal for this blog!

Tityana Watts ’21

My advice is, “Don’t be afraid. Try new things. Step outside of your comfort zone. College is a time for you to push the boundaries of the ideas, beliefs, and thoughts that you once had and challenge them. Create connections with EVERYONE. During my time at Furman (and even now as a rising senior admissions intern), I always try to go out of my way of establishing new connections with people.”

I hope that this blog has brought some kind of prospective to you and your life! And no matter where you decide to go, (even though I am routing for Furman), take these wisdom nuggets and strive to be the best person you can be!

With love,

P.S. follow me on instagram at __tyvette__ :)