Admissions Blog Posts

That “Feeling”

Last updated February 20, 2020

By Web Admin

Picture this: It’s the morning of Thanksgiving, turkeys cooking, the TV is switching between the football game and the Macy’s parade, cousins running around the house, and you are cozied up on the couch. Who would willingly leave this environment ?! The answer… the ANGEL of a tour guide who decided to break away from this scene to make sure I got to see Furman’s campus…

I want to share with y’all my Furman story because in my opinion it embodies every quality of the type of school Furman truly is.

I applied to twelve schools… yes you heard me TWELVE! SEC schools, large state schools, having no interest in a smaller libel arts university. I was rounding out my touring process over my thanksgiving break which brought me to Greenville, SC to tour a nearby college. At this point of time, most application deadlines had passed, and this college visit was my last. I had toured schools that I liked, but nothing truly felt right. I hadn’t had that magical “feeling” that apparently everyone gets when they tour their future college, or try on their wedding dress. I honestly did not think it existed.

My mom and I woke up early Thanksgiving morning, packed up our belongings and went to check out of our hotel. The lady working at the front desk, knowing I had been on a college visit, kindly asked me “What did you think of Furman?” Confused, I responded that I was actually touring a different school and had never even heard of Furman. We got in the car, and started our drive back to Kentucky.

Next thing I knew my mom took a turn and I saw the Furman gates for the first time. “I was curious, I looked it up and it just looked so pretty and- ” I cut her off explaining to her that I had also looked it up, saw that it was private, small, basically the exact opposite of what I thought I wanted and this was a BIG waste of our time. BOY was I wrong!

As we drove around, I stubbornly admitted that it was pretty, and that I liked the campus. That small confession was all my mom needed because next thing I knew she was on the phone with admissions and asking some poor sweet lady to come give us a tour. The crazy part about it.. the lady said absolutely! This was my first impression of the type of institution that Furman is. Within the next 20 mins, my mom, the tour guide, and I were the only ones walking around campus. All the building locked, not a student in sight, and looking through windows of Furman Hall… but I got that feeling.

So yes, my mom still holds this over my head but if i’ve learned anything… your mom is ALWAYS right and that magical “feeling” exists! and I recently became an ambassador so if you ever need someone to give you a tour on Thanksgiving… I’m your girl!!- Rosemary Cruse