Admissions Blog Posts

Why Furman?

Last updated October 16, 2019

By Web Admin

Born in Pittsburgh, PA but spending his high school years on Hilton Head Island, Zach Waters decided to continue the southern living right here at Furman University. Zach, like many of us, applied to a pretty considerable amount of schools, all with many great and different characteristics. So what sets Furman apart? 

I believe first impressions can hold an immense amount of weight and Zach was able to sum of his first impression of Furman in a way that I feel runs true for all of us. “Impressive.” A word that describes Furman perfectly. The people, the scenery, the academics. The other overriding quality that Zach found within these gates is just how personal every aspect is. “ It is extremely possible for you to build friendships, have an influence on campus and create an identity here for people to know who you really are. Whereas if you choose to go to a bigger school, I believe you turn into nothing more than just a number. At Furman you get to be somebody, and that somebody can go make a difference if they truly want to. What’s cooler than that?” Zach Waters took his own words to heart and has already started making that difference, as he was just recently elected Freshman Class President and quickly became one the kindest smiles on campus and the voice for those around him. This opportunity was something might not have been possible without the impressive, relational, and empowering characteristics instilled within us here at Furman University. 

So why Furman? 

Zach said it best, “ If you are wanting to come to school where you can really be somebody, if you want to get involved, to come an innovative place, where people care, where they are looking out for you, I don’t think you’re really going to find that anywhere else than here.” 

So book the tour, plan the road trip, and submit the application. Come see for yourself, make your own first impressions, create your own “Why Furman.”

And if you want to have lunch with a (student body) President, I know a guy!

Stay tuned to learn more about how YOU and others belong here at Furman,

Rosemary Cruse @fuadmisson @rosemarycruse