Admissions Blog Posts

Student Jobs at Furman University

Last updated June 25, 2024

By Charles Frempong

As the countdown to your college experience begins, you’re probably juggling a myriad of questions and concerns. Among these, one burning question might be: Are there job opportunities available on Furman campus? The short answer is a resounding yes! Furman University offers a plethora of on-campus job opportunities that are tailored to accommodate student schedules, provide valuable experiences, and foster personal growth.


Now, let’s delve into some of these jobs and what they entail.

I.T. Service Center Student Concierge:

Are you a tech-savvy student with a knack for troubleshooting? The I.T. Service Center Student Concierge role might be right up your alley. As a concierge, you’ll assist fellow students, faculty, and alumni with technology-related issues, ranging from setting up email accounts and recovering account passwords to troubleshooting network glitches. Being in this role hones your technical skills and also fosters valuable interpersonal communication and problem-solving abilities.

Library Circulation Desk Student Concierge:

If you are a knowledge enthusiast, working at any of Furman’s three Library Circulation Desks will offer you a chance to immerse yourself in the world of academia. As a student concierge, you’ll assist patrons with checking in and out materials, locating resources, and navigating library databases. This role cultivates your research and organizational skills essential for academic success. If this sounds like you, rest assured that Ms Robyn and Ed Babinski – Furman Library Patrons – will soon be your good buddies.


Teaching Assistants (TAs):

Many departments, spanning from Chemistry to Psychology, offer opportunities for students to serve as Teaching Assistants (TAs). As a TA, you’ll work closely with professors to facilitate classroom activities, grade assignments, and provide academic support to students. If you serve in this role, your understanding of course material is reinforced and you gain great leadership and communication skills.


Trone Student Staff Desk Manager:

Are you a natural leader with a penchant for organization? The Trone Student Staff Desk Concierge role might be your calling. In this position, you’ll oversee day-to-day operations at the Trone Student Center, coordinating schedules, working with amazing peers, and ensuring a seamless experience for visitors. 


Videography with the Sports Team:

For students passionate about sports and multimedia production, Furman University provides you with the opportunity to professionally develop yourself while earning a few bucks. As a videographer, you’ll capture game highlights, create promotional videos, and document memorable moments for the university’s athletic programs. In this role, you’re given the opportunity to showcase your creativity through hands-on experience in video production and editing. 


In fact, there are several jobs here on campus, but time and space will not permit me to include other jobs such as being a Resident Assistant, a Freshman Advisor, an Admissions Ambassador, or even the Malone Center’s Student Concierge position. These are but a few examples of the diverse array of on-campus job opportunities available to students. Whether you’re looking to earn extra income, gain valuable experience, or contribute to the campus community, there’s a role suited to your interests and skills. Most on-campus jobs offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate your academic commitments. Whether you prefer to work mornings, evenings, or weekends, there’s a schedule that fits your needs. Whether you’re interested in technology, academia, or creative pursuits, there’s a role waiting for you to seize. It is only up to you to embrace the opportunity to learn, grow, and make meaningful contributions to your campus community.