Admissions Blog Posts

Club and Intramural Sports

Last updated July 18, 2023

By Carly Bailey

Hello Everyone,

My name is Yamiko Sumaisi, I am a sophomore from Lusaka, Zambia, intending to major in Health Science. Coming into college, I knew I wanted to continue playing the sports that I played in high school as a way to stay active, but not at the D1 level. Luckily, Furman University has 20+ club and intramural sports. However, if a club sport or intramural sport you want is not offered, you can introduce the sport to the University through the Campus Recreation and Wellness office.

Club and intramural sports offer a fun and engaging way to stay active, meet new people, and enjoy the benefits of participating in sports during your time in college. Whether you played a sport in high school or you are just looking to try something new, these programs can provide a way to get involved on campus rather than just focusing on academics.

Since I played Soccer and Rugby in high school, I decided to join the Rugby team after a few weeks on campus. If there is a specific sport you are interested in, you can get in touch with the coaches or leaders of the club team even before getting on campus and potentially be added to the roster. The Rugby team practices 3 times a week in the fall (15’s Season) and 2 times a week in the spring (7’s season). Similarly, other club sports will practice 2 or 3 times a week. This means you have some commitment to club sports, but less than the D1 level.

Every semester, students from Greek organizations, residence halls, academic departments, and other student groups compete in intramural sports. Our intramural leagues are informal but structured and competitive. Intramural sports are a fun way for you and your friends to get together and play a sport you like and potentially earn bragging rights on campus. My friends and I were the  Outdoor Soccer Intramural Champions in the fall of 2023!

There are a lot of benefits in being a part of clubs and intramurals sports at Furman. It’s an opportunity to bond, have fun, and create shared memories together. While club and intramural sports are still competitive, the focus is mostly on having fun and getting involved on campus rather than having to want to perform at the highest level.

If you want to continue your high school sports or if you want to try a new sport, club and intramural sports may be  the right fit for you.

Until next time,

Yamiko Sumaisi ‘26.