Admissions Blog Posts

Little Moments

Last updated October 11, 2022

When thinking about this school year, I can’t pick just one specific thing I’m most excited about. When I look back at the past two years I’ve spent at Furman, not only do the big events like homecoming, formals, and tailgates stick out, but I also think about long dinners in the DH, carving pumpkins with my friends, and watching our favorite shows together. Not everything needs to have an elaborate plan to make the best memories and that is something I’ve definitely learned while being in college.

The things I’m looking forward to this semester are honestly all of the little moments. Looking back at old pictures, I remember some of my favorite days were doing absolutely nothing but spending the whole time with my friends. A simple lake walk can lead to the best conversations, or a Walmart run can end up with the most random purchases. There are so many small parts of each day to look forward to, and that’s what makes life in college so fun.

The fact that you’re living with your best friends and spending almost all of your free time with them means that you become so close so quickly. My friends at Furman are like family to me, and there’s so much you get from close friendships like this. Finding the people that make every day more fun is honestly what has made my time in college some of my favorite years.

I always look forward to the start of each year because you never know what memories you’re about to make or new people you might meet. I have already had moments this year that I know will be some good memories. Family weekend and tailgates with all my favorite people on campus have been my favorite days, and we still have homecoming to look forward to when all the alumni come back for the weekend! Even though these bigger events are always memorable, it’s the small parts that make it special. My favorite part of family weekend was having my roommates’ family members over to our apartment for a small brunch before tailgating and spending time with everyone after the game.

Everyone always says that your 4 years in college will fly by faster than you realize, and as I’m going into my 3rd year at Furman, I’m realizing just how true that is. Taking in every little moment is so important to remember in the grand scheme of things. I know the typical day of walking to class, having lunch with friends, grocery shopping, or studying can get repetitive, but looking at each of these things as part of the college experience that will flash before your eyes gives you a reality check on how to love different parts of everyday.

This year I want to take the time to really enjoy every part of my experience at Furman and look at all the small things that I would usually take for granted. I’m looking forward to the Chick-Fil-A dinners my roommates and I always do before our functions, the Sunday nights in the library before the craziness of the week starts and taking in the sunset on a late afternoon lake walk with my roommates. The quick trips home to see my dogs, random events we find happening in Greenville, and last-minute trips we plan are all sweet memories I love to think about with my friends. This year I want to take advantage of moments like these and be really grateful for every single part of my life at Furman!


-Andersen Wade