Admissions Blog Posts

Introducing the New Social Media Interns

Last updated October 4, 2022

Hi everyone! I am thrilled to announce the new group of wonderful social media interns for the ’22-’23 school year! We are super excited to have them on the team, and we hope you enjoy seeing Furman from their perspectives throughout this year!


Katelyn Wong

Hey y’all! I am one of the new admissions interns, Katelyn Wong. I just started my freshman year and can’t wait to bring you along with me as I experience life at Furman!

I am originally from Greenville, SC, but my current place of residence is Geer Hall (Shout out to all my Geer 300 girlies) which is a part of Soho (South Housing). Soho is primarily freshman community-style dorms, and learning how to share communal bathrooms has been quite the adventure.

I’ve only been on campus for a few weeks, but it’s already starting to feel like home.

It’s been exciting to see all the different ways to get involved around campus! So far, I’ve joined the musical theater group Pauper Players as part of their fall production of Once Upon a Mattress as well as joining the dance club. When it comes to academics, I am undecided about my major, but my pathways advisor has been a huge help as I decide between Studio Art, Communication Studies, and Asian Studies. In my spare time I enjoy going to the PAC or grabbing a milkshake from the P-den with my friends.

I am very much a people person and love meeting new people, so if you ever see me on campus please come and say hi! Some of my passions include my amazing family, Star Wars, and toasted marshmallow flavored Jellybeans. I also love to travel, and I hope to take advantage of the many study away opportunities Furman offers.

I’m sure I still have a lot to figure out so stick around and ROLL DINS!!!


Justin Perez

Hey, this is JP! I am back this semester working with Furman Admissions. I will be writing blogs and doing social media takeovers to portray my life as a senior. This introduction is the best way for prospective students and families to get to know me a little better when starting or continuing their college search. 

To begin, I am a Politics and International Affairs major. I have lived in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina all my life and attended a small JK-12 liberal arts school, Hilton Head Preparatory, that is very similar to Furman. At Furman, you can find me involved with a plethora of organizations. These organizations include Furman University Student Activities Board (FUSAB), Admissions Ambassadors, Sigma Chi Fraternity, Student Alumni Council (SAC), Fall Orientation Staff, and I am currently working an internship as a Community Outreach liaison with the Furman University Police. As you can tell, I am very involved with many different aspects of the campus community. Throughout these blogs, you will be able to follow along and read my journey. By the end, you will see why I could not be happier with my decision and why I love calling Furman home. 

Furthermore, if I can be of any resource as y’all navigate through your college search process, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, I hope to see y’all on tour very soon too! PS: I give tours on Thursday afternoons and Friday mornings, the BEST days! 

All the best, JP 


Puspanjali Gurung

Hello guys, I am Puspanjali Gurung (she/her/hers)! My hometown is Charlotte, NC, and I am a junior Public Health major. This school year, I will be working as a Social Media Intern for the Office of Admissions, and I am so excited to share Furman through my lens. 

So…here is a little bit about me. I am Nepali. I was born in Nepal, which is a South-Asian country, and English is actually my third language! Fun fact: There are only five Nepali students currently enrolled at Furman; isn’t that crazy?? Nevertheless, I consider myself blessed to have such an amazing group of friends here at Furman, as I am involved in many organizations on campus, such as Housing and Residence Life, Mosaic, FUISA (Furman University International Student Association), and MAPS (Minority Association of Pre-Health Students), just to name a few. I will be posting a lot of events from these organizations, so be on the lookout for that! 


In my free time, I love making Asian food, watching Korean dramas, and practicing traditional Nepali dance. On campus, I enjoy sunset walks around the lake, taking pictures of nature and my beautiful friends, and studying in the library. Most of all, I enjoy traveling and exploring new places. I find meaning in experiencing all that the world has to offer. 


That is why, in my spring semester of sophomore year, I decided to study abroad in Denmark and also visit countries all throughout Europe. I studied health and human disease, and I gained invaluable experiences in a span of four months. The year 2022 has been full of amazing experiences and opportunities, and I hope to share them with you through social media! Until next time, I hope you have a great rest of your week! 


Jada Rodgers


My name is Jada Rodgers, and I am a senior from Columbia, SC. I’m majoring in Public Health, and after I graduate, I plan on pursuing a master’s degree in Healthcare Administration. Here at Furman, I try to stay very involved in the campus community! Outside of the Admissions Office, I am also involved in NAACP, First Generation Student Alliance, the Cothran Center, and I serve as an Orientation Leader during freshman orientation. Outside of classes and extracurricular involvements, I love spending time with my friends and exploring all that Greenville has to offer!

To help you guys get to know me a little bit better, here are some random fun facts about me:

1.) I am an aunt to three adorable children! I have two nephews and one niece. They live in Chicago so I don’t see them as often as I would like to, but I FaceTime them practically every day to make up for it.

2.) I just learned how to ride a bike this past summer, through a summer internship with Momentum Bike Club. It was an intimidating and scary process, but I went from not knowing how to ride in a straight line to being able to ride for 6 miles!

3.) I absolutely loveeee to travel! I actually just got back from studying abroad in Copenhagen, Denmark this past spring semester, and I had an absolute blast! I learned so much, met so many new people, and visited 11 new countries total! It was the experience of a lifetime, and it’s my favorite thing to talk about, so don’t be surprised when I find a way to mention it in all of my future blog posts.

I think I’ve covered the basics, so that’s all for now, but stay tuned for future blog posts from me!

~Peace out,
Jada Rodgers