Admissions Blog Posts

Tips for Your College Search Process

Last updated September 13, 2022

For many students, the college application process can be a very stressful time. With all the applications and documents needed, as well as finding your home for the next four years, this process can get overwhelming. As you go through the admissions process at Furman and other universities, here are a couple tips I have that may make the process easier.

My first major tip would be to use your admissions counselors. They are the best resource for you throughout the application process. No matter the question, counselors love to hear from you. When I was going through the process, I got a little nervous reaching out. However, building this relationship meant a lot to me in the end. My counselors really helped to solidify my decision to attend Furman. Another reason I recommend reaching out to counselors is the benefit of being able to put a person to the name. It helps a lot in the decision process when counselors know the person behind the application. There is only so much that you can put into your application, therefore it can help you to reach out and show interest in these schools.


Furman Welcome center


Secondly, I am a big advocate for using tour guides and admissions interns as another source of information. A lot of times, students come on tour and want to take in information but do not ask some of the more meaningful questions that are important to them. This happened for me, too. When I was touring schools, I would get overwhelmed with the information on the tour and not know what questions to ask. Therefore, having a list of questions of the things that are important for you before the tour is always helpful.

Lastly, have fun with the process. If you ever feel it getting stressful, try and take a step back and see the excitement in the situation. Wherever you go will hopefully be your home for the next four years. So just take time to have fun conversations with people from these different institutions to see where you will be most happy to continue your education.


-Luke Sommerdyke