Admissions Blog Posts

Allow the Unexpected

Last updated June 29, 2022

Coming into Furman, I never anticipated my life to involve being on stage. I always got a lot of anxiety from being in front of large groups of people. However, in my time at Furman I have been on stage for three separate occasions.

My first occasion on stage at Furman was for a male beauty competition called Big Man on Campus. This Greek sponsored event raises money for breast cancer research. It came much to my dismay when I got second in this competition because I wanted to win, however it was a great experience nonetheless. It allowed me to meet new people, as well as get more comfortable in front of crowds.

My second run in with the theater came during homecoming weekend this past fall. I was talked into participating in a skit of a spin-off of the famous movie The Wizard of Oz in which I played the good witch. It was an interesting experience to be on stage in a wig and a dress. I was nervous going out but got much more comfortable when the crowd just started laughing.

My most recent encounter with theater came in my German class. As a class, we were assigned to put on a famous German play for Furman and the Greenville community. This experience was by far the most stressful, but in the end, it was very rewarding. I had a lot of fun with it, even though I did not expect to.

With all that said, make sure to take opportunities as they come. I am very grateful that I took part in these even though I was nervous to go on stage. It allowed me to meet new people, create fun stories to tell, and add to my college experience. College is a time to grow, learn, and make memories, so never let your preconceived notions limit your journey.