Admissions Blog Posts

Why I chose Furman…

Last updated March 15, 2022

By Terrence Robertson

Senior year… a time of great stress, frustration, and anxiety. As seniors, you never get enough credit for the entirety of the college decision process. Last year, my college decision came down to Furman and two other schools, and to say it was difficult would be an understatement.

Ultimately, it came to a variety of factors that led me to choose Furman, which has been the best decision ever!


7 Reasons to Consider Living in Greenville, SC | The Cliffs

Something that was very important to me when choosing a college was the location of the campus. I wanted to go somewhere that gave me the traditional college campus vibe, but was still close enough to a city that if I needed anything, it would be accessible. Furman fits these criteria perfectly because it lies right on the outskirts of Greenville, a large and rapidly growing city with plenty of opportunities for entertainment, internships, and exploration. Greenville has everything from shopping centers to hiking trails to a lively downtown, which would ensure I was never bored. Having these amenities at my exposure was something I feel like I needed, especially growing up outside of Charlotte where everything I needed was. In addition, Furman’s campus itself is the most beautiful campus I had seen. The mountains, the lake, the fountains. It is just so refreshing to walk around campus and constantly feel at peace. While “campus looks” may not seem of great importance, living at such a beautiful campus has been so rejuvenating for my mental health!


Pre-Professional Advising | Furman University

Living in South Carolina my entire life, I have always heard such prestigious things about Furman from friends and family. Some of the most highly regarded people in my hometown such as lawyers, doctors, and legislatures, all graduated from Furman. I knew that a Furman degree would take me far. However, it wasn’t until I started to learn more about Furman’s job placement rates and their dedication to student success that I was really sold on how I would succeed. I knew when applying to graduate school programs, my Furman degree would be valued. But it goes beyond just the name of Furman, the professional skills learned from classes and programs at Furman prepare you immensely for the workforce. I knew I would be getting far more than a solid education through a liberal arts curriculum, such as unique access to study away, internship, and early research opportunities. These are all experiences reflected through The Furman Advantage, Furman’s four-year pathway ensuring student success. All of these attributes factor into Furman’s great reputation around the globe, which was more than appealing to me as a prospective student.


Probably the most important factor in my choosing Furman was the sense of community present everywhere around campus. This community is so unique to Furman and was unlike any other college that I visited. Everywhere I walked, people were waving to each other with smiles on their faces. Several events such as tailgates, Homecoming, and Furman’s campus-wide concert bring students together. The faculty and staff have personal relationships with their students and will go as far as inviting them out to lunch. Everyone loves each other at Furman, which is evident through interactions across campus. At Furman, the community is also extremely inclusive and accepting. I knew that I could be my authentic self here and would not be judged. There are all different types of people at Furman, yet we all coexist so well together. There are so many opportunities to find community at Furman, and even if you’re not in a club or organization, you are still part of the greater campus community. I truly did not comprehend the Furman community until I was a student, but knowing I constantly have a support system has made this transition more than easy.

Putting all the reasons I chose/love Furman into one blog is way too difficult. But I encourage you all to truly dissect what you want out of a college, and hopefully, you will find the perfect fit for you!

Best of luck with this decision, but remember, it will all work out!

Very best,