Admissions Blog Posts

The Value of a Personalized Education

Last updated March 3, 2022

By Renee Neves

There is no doubt that the college search is one of the most stressful parts of a student’s time in high school, but there are ways to make it less complicated and even fun! The best way for that to happen is to figure out what’s important to you. This could be any number of things such as division 1 athletics, high acceptance rate to medical school, the presence of a certain academic department, the ability to study abroad, or even an on-campus chick-fil-a! If any of these things are vital in your decision-making process, then I have excellent news for you about Furman, but these were not the most important things to me. When I was searching for my best college fit, I needed the ability to have personal connections with professors, and Furman not only checked that box, but also went above and beyond in that area.

I was always a student that thrived in a classroom environment in which the teacher was actively involved with the class and engaged the students in discussion. The few classes I had that the teacher lectured at a larger class the whole time were not near as effective, and I got much less out of those classes.

I was very excited to learn that Furman’s average class size is 14. Because of this, I knew going into Furman that I would be able to have a voice in the classroom, and the professors would be able to personalize my educational experience. This personalized education didn’t end in the classroom, though. Since the student to professor ratio is 9 to 1, I knew I’d be able to connect with my professors outside of the classroom as well. I’d be able to get extra help if something was unclear during class, but more importantly, my professors would get to know me on a personal level. Because of these very unique aspects of Furman, I received an unparalleled educational experience that helped set me up for future success.

Since my professors got to know me as a person, they knew how to reach me and how I learned. Therefore, they were able to educate me in the most effective way possible. This contributed greatly to the skills I received from my academic experience. The connections I was able to make with them went beyond just the semester I attended their class. I have stayed in touch with the professors who had a positive impact on me throughout my four years at Furman as well as in my time after graduation.

My expectations for Furman’s personal connections with professors and individualized educational experience were exceeded, and it is clear to me that I chose the right fit for my college needs. As a high school student, think about what is most important to you. By doing that, the college search will be much less complicated, and the fun can begin!


Jake Burrus,

Admissions Counselor and proud Furman alumnus