Admissions Blog Posts

Mosaic and the impact it has on future Furman students

Last updated March 25, 2022

By Mia Freeman

Hey Furman Fam! It’s Mia again today I’ll be discussing Mosaic, which is a club here on campus constantly working towards improving diversity and inclusion efforts on Furman’s campus.

A mosaic is a combination of many different parts forming one thing. At Furman, the club Mosaic truly represents the name. There are many different members with different cultures, backgrounds, and Furman experiences, however, we work together as a diverse population towards similar goals in bringing diverse populations to Furman. 

What is Mosaic?

At Furman, Mosaic is a group of students with different backgrounds and cultures who are devoted to expanding diversity at Furman by sharing their Furman experience.

What does Mosaic do? 

As a member of Mosaic, one way that we work as a team to expand diversity at Furman is by conducting virtual high school visits. During these visits, we share details of our Furman experience and shed light on the benefits Furman has for us. Mosaic members also conduct overnight stays with prospective students. Members of Mosaic serve as hosts and spend the weekend with prospective students showing them around campus, taking them to social events, and immersing them into the Furman experience. Members of mosaic also act as ambassadors for Furman whenever Furman has an event or panel for prospective students to attend this helps students who are anxious about their college decision process gain more knowledge about Furman and receive answers to any unanswered questions. Members of Mosaic are also constantly improving by attending workshops to better our professional, self-awareness, and mentoring skills to better prepare us for our jobs as role models throughout the Furman community.

What I love about Mosaic

As a member of Mosaic, I love how close we are as a team. I could talk to anyone in Mosaic for hours as if we hung out every day. I also love how as a team we inspire students from diverse backgrounds who can be nervous about coming to a predominantly white institution for various reasons, we show them that there are spaces for them to feel accepted and appreciated. I think it’s important to grow diversity on Furman’s campus so that other cultures can make impacts and be appreciated from an educational and social perspective. I also appreciate how every member of our team has a different story/Furman experience and while we are all different we all complement one another in working towards the team goal of growing diversity on Furman’s campus. 

Thanks for the read,

-Mia Freeman