We offer several main stage performances each year along with a variety of small productions and student-directed shows. Many of our productions are staged in The Playhouse, providing an intimate setting where our audience and actors can truly connect. Attend one of our shows and see for yourself.

Current Season

Current Season

The Pursuit of...meaning, truth, victory, identity - that’s what we’re exploring this 24/25 season.



Whether you're looking for a season pass or last-minute tickets to a show, you can pick them up at our box office or purchase online.

Know Before You Go

Know Before You Go

When you see a show at the Furman Theatre Playhouse, you are embarking on a shared educational endeavor.

Support Us

Support Us

Are you a loyal fan or do you want to know more about how you can contribute to our main stage season?

Production Photos

Production Photos

Take a journey through our past by browsing images from every major production staged at Furman since 1964.

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Want to join our mailing list to keep up with all the events at Furman Theatre? Join our mailing list​​.​