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What Can I Do with a Degree In Theatre Arts?

Last updated August 25, 2021

Do you have questions about where a theatre arts degree can take you? Our liberal arts approach to education provides the framework for an adaptable, multitalented graduate.

While a degree in theatre arts brings to mind future careers in directing, acting, stage management, production assistance, or stage design, theatre majors also prove to be successful in a variety of careers and creative pursuits. Our graduates leave prepared for wherever their interests take them, whether that be the entertainment industry, marketing, event planning, non-profit management, writing, dancing, broadcasting, or teaching. Students learn and refine skills such as time management, problem solving, organization, leadership, and teamwork, all valuable in any occupation.

Our program provides students with the means to develop their technical skills, in addition to their critical thinking, communication skills, and capacity for collaboration.

We ensure our graduates are as well-rounded as possible, granting them plenty of opportunities to try their hand at playwriting, acting on stage, backstage assistance, or even marketing productions put on by Furman. Shop assistant work-study positions are available to those interested in delving into the craft of carpentry, costume technology, electrics, or sound engineering.

And even if you decide a degree in theatre may not be for you, you are always welcome to join our casting call to give an audition.

For more information, visit our Current Students page to view our resources, casting call information, reading list for majors, and backstage opportunities. If you feel confident in declaring a theatre major, make sure to fill out this form and email our department chair, Maegan Azar.