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Internships in Sociology

Last updated September 24, 2021

Majors in sociology have numerous opportunities to discover possible career paths. One of these options is through one of the foundations of the Furman Advantage: internships.

Within the past five years, 45% of our majors have gone on to complete at least one internship during their time at Furman. 99% of our majors complete research!

Students can complete internships for course credit through course SOC 503 for individualized internships. For credit, students must complete at least 120 hours of on-site tasks or activities in order to meet their internship objectives. Additionally, students must meet with the internship director and agency supervisor on a regular basis.

This semester, Taylor Connell is interning with Greenville Homeless Alliance, an organization aimed at providing stability and housing for individuals who are without a home.

This past summer, Taylor Moore collaborated with Dr. Claire Whitlinger and Northwestern professor, Gary Alan Fine. They examined the way in which three senators in the 1920s managed their political professions among the growing power of the KKK and other influential groups and organizations. Taylor searched for data, mainly researching primary sources. After data collection, she compiled the information to construct an impression of the complex situations each senator encountered.

For more information regarding summer internships and funding, please visit the Summer Internship Fellowships page. Make sure to also utilize Furman’s database of Greenville internships for students!