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What Can I Do With a Degree in Religion

Last updated December 10, 2021

A degree in religion is not only for those interested in pursuing seminary or divinity school. In fact, some of those who pursue a degree in religion may not be religious at all, but simply interested in the way faith shapes society. Others choose to pursue religion as a way to build and nurture their own spiritual beliefs.

A bachelor’s in religion will prepare you to be more culturally aware, contributing to a broadened worldview. You will be exposed to new ideas, fostering a new openness for the views of other cultures and individuals. And while studying religion does not place you right away into a specific career, the tools you gainĀ  prepare you for a variety of paths.

Graduates of our religious studies program hone their ability to critically think, analyze literature and sources, research, communicate and present their findings, and form a well-reasoned argument.

Our flexible major provides time for additional studies in another departments, whether that be in the form of a minor or supplemental major.

Those who study religion may become educators, missionaries, chaplains, youth program directors, lawyers, diplomats, or community development administrators. As you can see, the choices are extensive! According to the Teagle Study, conducted in 2014 and 2015, most religion majors go on to work in religious organizations, academic institutions, or nonprofits.

Religion remains fundamental to understanding human behavior and the human condition. Our program examines multiple global faiths, providing students the ability to study the political, historical, and societal influences of world religions.

Studying religion will strengthen your understanding of human nature, an invaluable gift in life. If you have more questions about our specific program, be sure to contact us. Visit our faculty page to learn more about their specific concentrations or interdisciplinary interests.