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Tips for Finding an Internship

Last updated August 3, 2021

When beginning your search for an internship, make sure to connect with someone in the internship office. Next, view the “Student Instructions Furman Internship Database” document on Moodle and access the database. 

Once accessing the website, you should begin compiling a list of your interests. For instance, ask yourself questions about where you would like to work, who you would like to work with, and what type of career you may be intrigued by. Create a list of 3-5 different places to reach out to in order to secure a position.

Make sure your resume is polished and your cover letter tailored to the specific organization you are applying to.

Students could try out internships in:

  • Child Development
  • Community Clinics
  • Social Work
  • School Counseling/Tutoring
  • Crisis Intervention
  • ABA Therapy
  • Mentoring At-Risk Students
  • Mental Health Education at a local level
  • Undergraduate Research

Within Greenville, multiple mental health organizations and businesses offer opportunities for students to receive hands-on experience. Hearts for Hope Therapy, LLC serves the community by supplying sessions of art therapy, yoga, and mindfulness. NAMI Greenville strives to create an internship program with local upstate schools. Another option could be Mental Health America of Greenville County (MHAGC), who provides opportunities for volunteering and interning, such as serving on the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and/or TEENline, updating resources, or educating others about mental health.

Positions in medical settings (ex: Prisma Health) require a meeting with IACH staff for paperwork and verification. Internships requiring approval from Dr. Blomquist involve an additional meeting regarding your resume. 

Some of the organizations may ask to interview you before deciding on their candidate. If given multiple offers for an internship, seek a job description and perhaps contact a faculty member to make the best decision. Summer Fellowships for students are competitive and require an application, but provide funding and housing for student interns in Greenville.