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Careers in Psychology

Last updated July 29, 2021

Psychology students gain skills in critical thinking and analysis, granting the capability to pursue careers in a variety of industries. While students may need to pursue more education in order to work directly with clients, psychology majors can seek entry level positions within their field. Majors may go on to acquire a PhD in Human Development or a Master’s in Clinical Mental Health or Social Work. The choices are endless!

Within human services, students can enter specialized paths such as art therapy, counseling, crisis work, community relations, social work, or advocacy. Additionally, other career paths exist in social research, data analysis, teaching, human resources, public relations, marketing, and higher education.

Every fall semester, we offer two career nights where students are able to connect with staff of the career office and explore different paths. The first night links students with resources at the Malone Center for Career Engagement. The other night is devoted to Careers in Mental Health and is moderated by a local panel of professionals who speak of their experiences in social work and counseling. 

Those considering a career within research can dip their toe into a project. In our department, students are encouraged to conduct research. All senior thesis style projects are conducted with the mentoring and guidance of a faculty member, and they span the entirety of a year. Students also have the option to do 2-4 credit research hours during a semester, with the approval of a faculty member. Summer research remains an alternative as well, granting students a more intensive, summer-long opportunity. 

Those considering higher education should attend our Graduate School Night, which is mandatory if students request recommendations from our department faculty. At the event, majors are given guidance for writing personal statements, mentoring for graduate school interviews, and help for finding the best program to fit their needs.

We have several other resources available for career pathways psychology students can take. Be sure to also reach out to the Malone Center for Career Engagement for more information!