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Signature Programs

Last updated October 7, 2021

Have you ever been curious about exploring the proceedings of a trail? Has one of your classes sparked an interest in political philosophy?

Our department has two signature programs that could prove to be of interest to you: Mock Trial and The Tocqueville Program.

Tocqueville Program

The Tocqueville Program seeks to discuss and examine hotly debated questions of contemporary times.

Students can apply to partake in the Society of Tocqueville Fellows, a group that studies the political views and perspectives of Alexis de Tocqueville. Those within the group take three political philosophy courses and are involved with a variety of extracurricular activities. To learn more information regarding criteria for admission into the program, view these FAQs.

In addition, the Tocqueville program hosts a lectures series based around a specific theme. Speakers range from lauded professors to public figures, all crafting their speech to address the topic at hand. Former themes have included the crisis of liberalism, Christianity, biotechnology, and the American republic.

Students may also join the Political Thought Club, which meets every Friday afternoon from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in the Political Science Seminar Room. Reading selections range from 10-15 pages, and generally delve into historical and contemporary writing that explores politics and themes of philosophy.

Mock Trial

Coached by local lawyers and open to all students, our mock trial teams present a challenging, but deeply rewarding experience to students. At tournaments, students function as witnesses and attorneys, illustrating their communication skills and knowledge of trail proceedings.

Our award-winning mock trial program accepts 30 – 35 participants who take part in one of our three teams. Interested students can audition in the fall. Be sure to contact us to tryout!

Other Programs

In addition to these programs, Dins Vote is a student group we have that seeks to increase voter registration among the student body. Learn more on Furman News.

We also are involved with the Riley Institute, aiding in the production of numerous lecture and discussion based events that examine public policy, leadership among our elected officials, and public education in the United States.

You can explore upcoming events within the Riley Institute’s calendar.