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Research Opportunities in Politics

Last updated October 19, 2021

A major in Politics & International Affairs grants the means to explore graduate-level research while studying as an undergraduate student. All of our students participate in at least one Engaged Learning experience, which includes research.

Undergraduate research, like internships, fosters the establishment of experience within a student’s field of study.

In their senior year, our students take our Senior Research Seminar, where they are paired with a faculty member in their area of interest and tasked with conducting independent research. Students may have the opportunity to present their research at a regional conference.

Students are required to take Introduction to Political Analysis, another class that provides the ability to test the waters in the field of research techniques for the study of political behavior.

There also is always the option of pursuing summer research through Furman’s Summer Research Fellows Program! Close to 200 students and 90 faculty members investigate subjects over the summer months, sometimes culminating in a scholarly publication. Students are provided funding through the fellowship, but sometimes department funds are allocated towards students completing research.

Our faculty have studied political participation, religion and politics, peace and conflict studies, philosophy and its influence in political affairs, women in political leadership, to name a few subjects.

For more information regarding summer research and fellows, contact our undergraduate research office.

Dr. Erik Ching can provide guidance for connecting with professors for specific research projects.