When it comes to variety in performance venues, Furman has it all. Need proof? We’d like to introduce you to our Lakeside Amphitheater.

Unlike other universities that boast having access to an outdoor venue, our amphitheater is actually on our campus. It’s tucked along our lakeside trail, giving patrons a view of the lake and our famous bell tower. With that kind of a setting, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the amphitheater is a hot spot for music fans in the summer. From May through August, we actually host a summer concert series that encourages music lovers to picnic by the lake and listen to our aspiring artists.

With its slick and modern design, this venue can comfortably seat more than 3,000 patrons. It is equipped with a full sound and lighting system to ensure that the sound of our performers is every bit as good outdoors as it is indoors.