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Summer Research & Internship Opportunities

Last updated September 1, 2021

Does research pique your interest?

If so, you’re in luck! Every department at Furman engages in undergraduate research.

But are you wondering about the opportunities for undergraduate research you could have in our department? Are you also curious about internships within the department of English? Look no further!

Colin Brake, a sophomore in our department, completed a remote summer internship this year with the Greenville Area Parkinson’s Society performing digital communication, donor research. and social media management.

Dr. Provost had two students from her Animals in Medieval Literature class go on to begin the process of developing abstracts of their final papers. They plan on submitting them to literature and medieval colloquia this semester.

One student’s paper focuses on the pelican as a symbol of sacrifice and strength from the Middle Ages to contemporary times. The other student wrote a paper interpreting Chaucer’s Book of the Duchess through lenses of gender, animal theory, and psychoanalysis.

The above examples are only tastes of possible research or internships.

We have had many students present their finished work at numerous conferences, such as the annual British Studies Student Symposium at Rhodes College, the Sigma Tau Delta International Convention, and the Southern Literary Festival.

If you are interested in becoming involved with a project, you should connect with a professor you’ve enjoyed working with within class or find a professor in your department who may have interests that align with yours.

You can also always check the Summer Research Fellowship office’s possibilities. Additionally, be sure to view our faculty and read about their areas of research. For more information regarding internships, connect with the Internship Office.