As part of our Teacher Residency Program – established in the early 2000s – Furman University has entered into formal partnerships with local school districts to provide multiple levels of support and supervision for teacher candidates. University supervisors provide guidance on translating theory into practice, while district mentors provide eight hours a week of personalized support, offering direction in understanding the local community, school, and classroom.

First-year students

First-year students are encouraged to explore and discover their passions and interests as they take a variety of General Education Requirements. For intended majors, EDU-111 and EDU-120 are core classes that will set students up for their Pathway in Education and include weekly experiences in school settings and working with children.

Second-year students

Look to examine and decide whether an Education or an Educational Studies major is best suited for their strengths and future goals.  Students will also work closely with advisors to decide what high impact practices may be best for them (Study Away, Internships, Research). For intended majors, EDU-221, EDU 305, and EDU-250 are usually taken during this time.

Third-year students

Become more immersed in school-based methods courses and work with their advisors to make the most of these classroom experiences.  They connect with local teachers and refine their path whether it be the classroom or some other educational venture. Literacy, math, and social studies methods courses (EDU-330, EDU-331, EDU-332, MTH-302) are usually taken during this third year.

Fourth-year students

Synthesize all of the classroom experiences they have had during their time at Furman as they begin to assume the role of a teacher in a full-year immersive experience.  Advisors support students as they work to initiate experiences in schools (Education majors) or internships (Educational Studies majors) and help prepare them for graduate school or a career in teaching.