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What Can I Do With a Degree in Economics?

Last updated December 3, 2021

Are you wondering what tools you will gain as a student of economics and how they will apply to your future career? And are you wondering about some of the different paths you could pursue?

Economics degrees are fairly popular at Furman University, and we recently added both a Mathematics – Economics, B.A. and B.S. to our program to grant even more options in our department.

An economics degree at Furman propels students towards a successful career in numerous fields. Students will explore public policy, government, philosophy, psychology, and history throughout the curriculum.

Analytical and reasoning skills, clear and concise communication, critical thinking, and interpersonal skills are all cultivated and polished in our economics program.

Those who study economics often intersect with different disciplines, such as policy, human behavior, education, and others. An economics degree at Furman consists of eleven class, providing room for a double major or a minor in another department.

At Furman, majors will begin sowing the seeds for several skills important for individuals seeking careers in economics. Learning data manipulation, statistics, and communication skills in order to express findings and analysis will serve any economics major well in their occupation, as will learning to think big by conceptualizing small-scale relationships.

Common careers for those who earn a degree in economics consist of:

  • Financial risk analyst
  • Accountant
  • Economic researcher
  • Professor
  • Financial planner
  • Market research analyst

Take a peek at our faculty to learn about their specific fields of concentration in order to see if your interests line up – that way, you can formulate some questions about careers within your desired concentration.

Check out this article by Forbes about career advice for Economics major. It may help you garner some tips or tricks when planning our your future!

Last of all, contact our administrative staff for all of your unanswered questions and we will be sure to help you out!